Saturday, December 15, 2012

More shop

Only plumbing and painting remains.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Army Cub to Oppdal

Took a trip to Oppdal with the Army Cub from 1949 a couple of weeks ago. My neighbour was a passenger in the nice cold weather. Only one student flew that day. He was practising solo landings with the ASK-13 in the nice but calm weather (no wind and consequently no waves that day to keep the gliders in the air). The student was from Israel, and his plan is to go back to Israel to try to become a fighter pilot ones he have the gliding licence and some hours.

The shop is almost there

The shop is almost finished. Some work remains on the interior with the walls. When that is done, all the airplane stuff must be moved to the new shop, and the old shop shall be made into a living room again. Then, I can start decorating the shop with table etc + some painting. The large door is a sliding door for easy access. It can also relatively easily be removed when needed. Originally the whole thing should be finished by now, but the chief carpenter got seriously ill (blood clot in the brain), so things slowed down. He is better now, but he is not allowed to drive a car.

Previously the priming room was inside the house. A new priming booth in the garage will be made. The fumes from the priming is not compatible with the wife...

The 4 new bedrooms and a living room in the old house is now finished, only the last living room remains.