Sunday, April 13, 2008

Both HS skins drilled

Both skins are drilled, and look good. Since I already had holes drilled in the skeleton, the method used was:
  • Fit and clamp the skins (adjust to get 11" at tip and correct overhang)
  • Use the (homemade) holefinder at the TE.
  • Unclamp at one side, bend the skin up if needed and use the 6" drill for the middle rib.
  • Take the other side of the rib, by clamping/unclamping the other side.
  • Holefinder at root/tip up to the senter spar.
  • Unclamp/6" drill for the spar.
  • Holefinder for the rest, except 407 which was new and drilled the ordinary way.

Not at all difficult, but time consuming and I needed a second pair of hands to hold back the skin and insert clecos when drilling with the 6" drill from the inside.

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