Found another error in the manual/drawings, or at least something that is very easy to misinterpret and get wrong. In the drawings, the angles for the ribs are measured from the main spar. The hinge line on the VS is NOT parallel to the main spar, so when installed in the jig, repositioning the temporary hinges from the HS (as per the manual), the 5/8 inch offset of the HS-406 tip measured with a "water bulb thing" (as per fig 6.12 in the manual), cannot be correct. It has to be MORE than 5/8 to compensate for the offset hinge line, or the 93 degree angle will only be 90-91 degree. It looks like this has caused some confusion earlier, because the manual states that the drawings have been checked and rechecked and ARE correct. So this means that the manual is wrong. At least it mentions nowhere the importance of installing the spar in the jig so it is absolutely horizontal, or to compensate for the unparallel hinge line when using the hinges with no shimming on the jig.