The parts have now spread to three rooms (including the shop). I am now waiting for the tools from Averytools, a full RV builders tool kit. Somehow I had got the idea to shop for tools when needed as I build. This was of course is a very bad idea when everything has to be ordered from across the Atlantic, so today i ordered the tools that i could have ordered months ago. At least it leaves me with more time to study the drawings.
I am still confused about priming. It seems like the "correct" way is to use epoxy based primer. On the other hand, to have a house full of poisonous epoxy fumes simply cannot be good for living organisms. Hmm
I have contacted the insurance bureau and Van's about the damaged parts. Hopefully everything will turn out OK.

Hej! Priming är i mitt tycke absolut nödvändigt i vårat klimat. Själv använder jag epoxy-primer. Lycka till med bygget!
Hvilket merke bruker du, og hvor gjør du selve primingen? Jeg har funnet et vannbasert middel, men det må importeres, slik at prisen blir litt høy.
Jag har tidigare använt "zinchromat" men det verkar som de flesta gått över till epoxy. Prata med Arigo-teknik (barkaby, Stockholm) som säljer det. När det är fint väder kan man måla utomhus, annars kan man bygga ett litet inplastat "rum" att hålla till i.
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